Saturday, December 23, 2023

Video of the week: Which version of Wow should I play in 2023?


Force Gaming's video on Wow is my pick for video of the week, considering I am planning to play wow again in the coming year. First up, apologies for the very infrequent posts this season, but when RL gets in the way, social media becomes an easier way to communicate and to get my message across, especially when my Youtube hasn't been updated.

So I got the itch to venture back into mmos, specifically Azeroth. The main reason I had stopped playing it was due to the fact I was getting too many disconnects at my new place where the internet is not optimal. 

That and the fact I found a regular gaming group IRL for a weekly D&D table top role playing game session.

Prior to this I had been playing hardcore in non-official servers but Blizzard finally realized how popular (and lucrative for them) that game mode has turned out to be and they finally created official hardcore servers.

On the retail side, I leveled up my undead rogue up to 18, but I am interested in trying out Chromie time and replaying some of the old content, even though in order to do so you need to have at least one character at max. Nevertheless, despite having to start on Battle for Azeroth, whose starting zone is my least favorite one for horde, I managed to have fun chatting my friends on discord and enjoying some game time on Christmas vacation.

So which game will I play moving forward? I am thinking classic hardcore, even though it requires a subscription, that game mode is great for the same reasons I think D&D old school is great: A more dangerous game and therefore more of a challenge than easy mode. What gamer doesn't love a challenge if given a choice? In fact this type of permadeth gaming has been around for a while, I remember blogging about it in the past for games like DDO, for example.

I also heard that it was announced in this year's Blizzcon that the next three expansions of the retail version of the game will all be interconnected in terms of story. This is a mixed bag as far as I am concerned. For the little I played of BfA, the story wasn't great, it was just OK. The jailer is only a meh villain, even though what they did with Sylvanas was interesting. I don't admit to be very knowledgeable about that, although I really like the lore of the game, especially when it comes to the horde, that was never the sole sticking point of venturing in Azeroth for me. The interactive experience of figuring things out and later seeking out a guild to play with, that is the social aspect of mmos is what I mostly look for in these types of online activities.

"Season of discovery" mode is also interesting to me because I have not tried it out. The idea of discoveries in game is not new, I have encounter similar experiences in other games, but the way Blizzard is implementing with open world pvp events really appeal to me because I love pvp, but not necessarily pvp servers. Not to mention the open world pvp zones in classic and the progression servers where you can play Cataclysm and older expansions. 

I want social interaction in my mmo? Weird I know. I will have more to say about this in future videos. Happy Holidays to all. 

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